Improved Phases in Orchestrations
Orchestration jobs in Queue V2 now clearly show phases and the child jobs within phases.
Better Visibility of the Relation between a Transformation and a Workspace
Each transformation now shows its parent workspace and vice versa.
Identify Transformations by their Folders
Transformations are now even more distinguishable from each other via folders.
Orchestration Job Retry
You are now able to rerun your orchestration job and to select which tasks should be run again.
Detection of Unsaved Changes
To protect your work, we now check your configurations for unsaved changes.
Python Updated to 3.9.9
The default version of Python used in all Python and Python MLflow workspaces and Python transformations has been updated to Python 3.9.9. You can still use the previous versions in the UI.
Run Component Configuration Jobs in Parallel
There's a new option to run component configuration jobs in parallel.
Share and Link Buckets Asynchronously
We added support for asynchronous sharing and linking of a bucket.
Platform Changes to Be Announced Directly within the Platform Itself
Changelog posts (including this one) are now published directly in the Keboola Connection platform header.
New Components Page Rolled out to all Users and on all Stacks
The option to turn off the new Components page is now gone.