Recent Archive

Dynamic Backend for Python & R

Like Snowflake transformations, the backend size of Python and R transformations can now be changed as well.


Snowsight UI for Snowflake Workspaces

We are now using Snowsight instead of Snowflake's Classic Console.

Workspace Data Persistency (beta release)

You will no longer lose data when your workspace switches to sleep mode.


Python 3.10.4 Runtime Available

New transformations and workspaces can now be run on Python version 3.10.4.


Storage API Configuration Endpoints without Branch in URL Are Deprecated

So that there can be a single way to work with configurations, we are deprecating endpoints without the branch ID in the URL.


Content-Type Request Header to be Enforced in Storage API

It is our desire to accept only JSON as the request body for all Keboola APIs in the future. We will roll out this change gradually over the next few months.

Building Data Pipelines with Flows (Public Beta)

Introducing a visual data pipeline builder. Building and automating your pipelines has never been easier.


Project Description Support Removed

The option to set a project's description via the project create and update Management API calls is no longer available.


Scheduled Maintenance of AWS Stacks

Maintenance of Keboola Connection AWS stacks will take place on Saturday, May 28th, 2022 and should take less than three hours.


New Telemetry Released

A new version of our telemetry has been released, and you can get the new data via the Telemetry Data extractor (a data source component).