A collection of 56 posts

Platform UI/UX

Workspaces Now Available in Development Branches

You can now use workspaces in your development branches.

UI/UX Components

Google Analytics: A Major Component Update

The Google Analytics component now supports the Data API, incremental loading, and configuration rows, and it has a simplified UI.

Platform UI/UX

Improved Phases in Orchestrations

Orchestration jobs in Queue V2 now clearly show phases and the child jobs within phases.


Better Visibility of the Relation between a Transformation and a Workspace

Each transformation now shows its parent workspace and vice versa.


Identify Transformations by their Folders

Transformations are now even more distinguishable from each other via folders.


Orchestration Job Retry

You are now able to rerun your orchestration job and to select which tasks should be run again.


Detection of Unsaved Changes

To protect your work, we now check your configurations for unsaved changes.

UI/UX Components

New Components Page Rolled out to all Users and on all Stacks

The option to turn off the new Components page is now gone.


Group Transformation Configurations into Folders

Transformation configurations can be now placed into folders.


Dedicated Tabs for Components

All available components can be accessed via a tab dedicated to each component type. Categories could be filtered using the select box on the right side of the screen.