Engineering Team

Platform UI/UX

Collapsible Mappings and Improved Drag and Drop

Another set of UX improvements focusing on Mappings, Code Blocks and Codes is deployed to the Keboola Connection platform.


Oracle Extractor - Increased defaultRowPrefetch Value

To speed up queries to a database that return multiple rows we updated the defaultRowPrefetch value to 5000 in Oracle Database Extractor.


GoodData Available in Azure North Europe

Sending data to GoodData platform in Azure North Europe stack was requested many times. We heard your feedback and modified a GoodData component to work also in the Azure North Europe stack.


New Storage UI Available to Everyone

New Storage is now available to all users on every stack! Its aim is to improve your experience of exploring your data.


Development Branches Improvements

To provide you a better experience when working with Development branches, two minor changes just landed into Keboola Connection.

Components UI/UX

Data Sources, Data Destinations, and New Components Page

We are excited to announce a new page for components, scaffolds, and configurations. The new Components page also introduces new names for extractors and writers, which are now called data sources and data destinations.


Native Font Stack

For optimized text rendering on various devices and operating systems we decided to switch from the Roboto font to native/system fonts.


Row-Action Buttons

Frequently used row-action buttons were moved out of the action dropdown menu.


Use Existing Workspace When Loading Data from Transformation

We added an option to load data to an existing workspace when loading data from a transformation to a workspace.


Development Branches in Public Beta

Development branches are now available in public beta on the Azure North Europe stack for new and existing projects. They allow you to safely modify component configurations without interfering with your production data.