Recent Archive

New Generic Extractor UI

We're introducing our new Generic Extractor User Interface!

Components Platform

Important Update: Scheduled Migration of Your Data Apps

We are pleased to announce an upcoming upgrade to our data apps that requires your action.

Platform Components

Exciting Updates on Keboola Templates!

We have some great news to share: We are releasing a new eCommerce template, along with repository enhancements and a new version of the Keboola Sheets data app.


New Component – Email SMTP Sender

We're excited to announce that we've added a new application to the Keboola platform for handling outgoing email messages.


New Component – Flow Runner

The Flow Runner is another application ready for you on the Keboola platform. For now, it is available in beta.


Deprecation: Using Incorrect Object IDs in API Calls

We are deprecating the option to use incorrect object IDs in API calls.


Major Speed Boost for Job Queue System

We're excited to share that a major update to our JobQueue system is now live, bringing significant performance improvements. This enhancement addresses the feedback many of you have shared regarding job processing times.


Reminder: Scheduled Maintenance for Keboola AWS and Azure Stacks – March and April 2024

We would like to remind you of the upcoming scheduled maintenance for Keboola stacks hosted on AWS and Azure.