
Telemetry Update: Change in Events in the Activity Center Mode Tables

Please note we have made a slight adjustment to the newly added storage events. Read on to learn more.

We added new storage events to the tables kbc_table_event, kbc_column_event, kbc_token_event, and kbc_workspace_event on Thursday, July 18, 2024.

However, we realized that the event storage.workspaceTableCloned, initially included in the kbc_workspace_event table, should be more appropriately classified as a table-type event. Consequently, we have moved this event to the kbc_table_event table as of Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Since the kbc_workspace_event table is always extracted incrementally, your table may still contain the removed events. To address this, we will switch to a full load from Tuesday, July 30, to Tuesday, August 6.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause; however, we believe that enriching the existing event tables will benefit you; for example, by allowing easier management of unused tables in your storage.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.