
Snowflake Tables with Type Changes

On July 26, 2024, we fixed two bugs related to table imports with specific data types.

Import of ARRAY type

Previously, if we tried to import an array in the format [1,a,5], it was imported as ["[1,a,5]"], causing the entire field to be treated as a single string element of an array. The input is now correctly imported as an array in Snowflake with three elements: 1, a, and 5.

Import of VARIANT type

The VARIANT type had a similar issue as the ARRAY type, where inputs were imported as strings. For example, if the input was the number 3.14, it was imported as the string "3.14". After the change, the variant value is correctly imported as the number 3.14.


With the latest updates, we have corrected incremental imports for tables with these data types. We discovered minor issues causing import failures in certain cases for the ARRAY, GEOGRAPHY, and GEOMETRY data types. The current update fixes these issues, ensuring correct comparison (tracking changes) for these types.

For more details about changes in incremental imports, visit