New Data Source for Pinterest Ads
We are introducing a new component that automates the retrieval of ad analytics reports from the Pinterest platform.

The component allows you to download customized or predefined ad analytics reports effortlessly. By giving you the ability to fetch reports across multiple ad accounts simultaneously, this component streamlines the data collection process even for large ad agencies.
Users can select the granularity and the relative period for incremental data fetching. This component empowers marketers with comprehensive insights into their Pinterest ad campaigns.
Main features:
- Automated retrieval of ad analytics reports
- Custom report definition and retrieval
- Scheduled downloads of custom reports predefined via the Pinterest UI
- Efficient fetching of reports across multiple ad accounts
- Incremental data fetching based on a user-defined period and granularity
Learn more about the new Pinterest Ads extractor in our documentation. If you have any additional questions or feedback, please contact us.