
General Release of Read-Only Access to Storage

After spending a long time testing it, we have decided to enable read-only access to Storage to all existing projects with the Snowflake backend.

This feature is useful for various scenarios. For more information, please visit our documentation pages.

From April 26, 2023, we will start migrating existing client projects. The migration will be done seamlessly in batches per organization. It will take a few days to migrate all projects.

If you are a customer with your own Snowflake backend, we will contact you directly about the next steps and agree with you on the next action.

Once your projects have been migrated, read-only access to Storage will be automatically enabled in transformations and it will be possible to enable it in workspaces on purpose.

No action is needed on your part, but please pay attention to the following security note:

If you enable a read-only access for a workspace, then it has access to all the data in the project. You may not want to share workspace credentials with other people unless it’s acceptable for them to see all the data in the project. If limited access is required, do not enable read-only access for the workspace.

We will NOT automatically enable read-only access to Storage for existing workspaces.

We will let you know when the migration is complete. If you encounter any problems, do not hesitate to contact us.