
Python Updated to 3.9.9

The default version of Python used in all Python and Python MLflow workspaces and Python transformations has been updated to Python 3.9.9. You can still use the previous versions in the UI.

The default version of Python used in Python and Python MLflow workspaces and Python transformations has been updated to Python 3.9.9. However, it is still possible to use the previous versions in the UI.

All preinstalled Python packages have also been updated. The following is a complete list of preinstalled packages:

argon2-cffi-bindings 21.2.0
asn1crypto 1.4.0
attrs 21.2.0
avro 1.11.0
azure-core 1.21.1
azure-storage-blob 12.9.0
Babel 2.9.1
backcall 0.2.0
beautifulsoup4 4.10.0
bleach 4.1.0
bokeh 2.4.2
boto3 1.20.23
botocore 1.23.23
certifi 2021.10.8
cffi 1.15.0
chardet 3.0.4
charset-normalizer 2.0.9
click 8.0.3
cloudpickle 2.0.0
colorama 0.4.4
colorlog 4.8.0
console-bundle 0.5.1
cryptography 3.4.8
cycler 0.11.0
Cython 0.29.25
daipe-core 1.2.2
databricks-cli 0.16.2
datalake-bundle 1.2.2
debugpy 1.5.1
decorator 5.1.0
deepdiff 5.6.0
defusedxml 0.7.1
Deprecated 1.2.13
deprecation 2.1.0
dill 0.3.4
docker 5.0.3
entrypoints 0.3
fastavro 1.4.7
flake8 4.0.1
Flask 2.0.2
fonttools 4.28.3
future 0.18.2
gitdb 4.0.9
GitPython 3.1.24
greenlet 1.1.2
gunicorn 20.1.0
h5py 3.6.0
httplib2 0.20.2
idna 3.3
imageio 2.13.3
importlib-metadata 4.8.2
iniconfig 1.1.1
injecta 0.10.1
ipykernel 6.6.0
ipython 7.30.1
ipython-genutils 0.2.0
ipywidgets 7.6.5
isodate 0.6.0
itsdangerous 2.0.1
jedi 0.18.1
Jinja2 3.0.3
jmespath 0.10.0
joblib 1.1.0
json5 0.9.6
jsonschema 4.2.1
jupyter-bundle 1.2.1
jupyter-client 7.1.0
jupyter-core 4.9.1
jupyter-server 1.13.1
jupyterlab 3.2.5
jupyterlab-pygments 0.1.2
jupyterlab-server 2.9.0
jupyterlab-widgets 1.0.2
jupytext 1.13.4
kbcstorage 0.4.0
Keboola 2.2.0
keboola.component 1.3.6
kiwisolver 1.3.2
lineage-bundle 1.2.0
llvmlite 0.37.0
logger-bundle 0.7.0
Mako 1.1.6
markdown-it-py 1.1.0
MarkupSafe 2.0.1
matplotlib 3.5.1
matplotlib-inline 0.1.3
mccabe 0.6.1
mdit-py-plugins 0.3.0
mistune 0.8.4
mlflow 1.22.0
mpmath 1.2.1
msrest 0.6.21
nbclassic 0.3.4
nbclient 0.5.9
nbconvert 6.3.0
nbformat 5.1.3
nest-asyncio 1.5.4
networkx 2.6.3
nltk 3.6.5
nose 1.3.7
notebook 6.4.6
numba 0.54.1
numexpr 2.8.1
numpy 1.20.3
oauthlib 3.1.1
ordered-set 4.0.2
oscrypto 1.2.1
packaging 21.3
pandas 1.3.5
pandocfilters 1.5.0
parso 0.8.3
patsy 0.5.2
pexpect 4.8.0
pickleshare 0.7.5
Pillow 8.4.0
pip 21.3.1
plotly 5.4.0
pluggy 1.0.0
prometheus-client 0.12.0
prometheus-flask-exporter 0.18.6
prompt-toolkit 3.0.24
protobuf 3.19.1
ptyprocess 0.7.0
py 1.11.0
pyarrow 5.0.0
pycodestyle 2.8.0
pycodestyle_magic 0.5
pycparser 2.21
pycryptodomex 3.12.0
pyflakes 2.4.0
pyfony-bundles 0.4.2
pyfony-core 0.8.1
pyfony-sqlalchemy-bundle 1.0.1
pygelf 0.4.2
Pygments 2.10.0
PyJWT 2.3.0
pymongo 4.0.1
pyodbc 4.0.32
pyOpenSSL 20.0.1
pyparsing 3.0.6
pyrsistent 0.18.0
pyspark 3.2.0
pyspark-bundle 1.2.0
pytest 6.2.5
python-box 3.4.6
python-dateutil 2.8.2
python-dotenv 0.19.2
python-editor 1.0.4
pytz 2021.3
PyWavelets 1.2.0
PyYAML 5.4.1
pyzmq 22.3.0
qgrid 1.3.1
querystring-parser 1.2.4
regex 2021.11.10
requests 2.26.0
requests-oauthlib 1.3.0
s3transfer 0.5.0
scikit-image 0.19.0
scikit-learn 1.0.1
scipy 1.7.3
seaborn 0.11.2
Send2Trash 1.8.0
setuptools 59.6.0
simpleeval 0.9.11
six 1.16.0
smmap 5.0.0
sniffio 1.2.0
snowflake-connector-python 2.7.1
soupsieve 2.3.1
SQLAlchemy 1.4.28
sqlparse 0.4.2
statsmodels 0.13.1
sympy 1.9
tabulate 0.8.9
tenacity 8.0.1
terminado 0.12.1
testpath 0.5.0
threadpoolctl 3.0.0
tifffile 2021.11.2
toml 0.10.2
tomlkit 0.7.2
tornado 6.1
tqdm 4.62.3
traitlets 5.1.1
typing_extensions 4.0.1
urllib3 1.26.7
vincent 0.4.4
wcwidth 0.2.5
webencodings 0.5.1
websocket-client 1.2.3
Werkzeug 2.0.2
widgetsnbextension 3.5.2
wrapt 1.13.3
xgboost 1.5.1
xlrd 2.0.1
zipp 3.6.0